quarta-feira, 5 de outubro de 2011

Day 19 - Back to Munich

Wednesday came, and with it the end of 3 days with not much too do, except walking the dogs and sightseeing. So I had agreed to meet a fellow student from feup, so we could both go pick up our student cards together, and meanwhile, I could give him some tips, as he still didn't have a flat.

So we were told to expect a line at the card pickup, so we decided to go early. We agreed to meet at 9 am at his hostel, which meant that I would have to wake up really early (6:30). And so I did. I must say I had slept a lot in the previous days, so sleeping only 6 hours wasn't that big of a deal, though it's always tough to wake up before the sun. Well, I won't go into much detail. I managed to be at the hostel at the right time, so everything went ok.

We met (thanks Facebook, you made identifying strangers way easier), and we headed for the faculty. Well, I must say that there are no directions. We just wondered around until we saw something that might have been a main door, and we entered. It was the right place, and yes, there was a line. There were 3 people ahead of me! And for that I had woken up so early? Man....

So we headed for the bank, as I needed to set up a German account. It was around 11 and the bank was full. We went to the hostel,mandate I showed him what I normally did to search for a place, as well as some tips for traveling in Munich. I tried registering to my courses, but I couldn't remember my password (what the hell had I chosen anyway?). Well, I had sent an email in the previous day, asking for it to be returned, so I waited. Meanwhile, my new partner found some places, sent some emails, and I watched that, not long ago that was me. I was glad I had found a place already. So time passed and at 1 we decided to hit the MacDonalds. We stopped at his room, and I was amazed. It was a six bed dorm, but had a table in the middle and huge lockers, and overall, nice looking. And it was 20 euros per night. Not bad. He had some conditions to study there, if he needed. The only problem was the food. He couldnt cook there.

So after lunch back to the bank. Still packed, don't know why, I waited there for half an hour, and with litlle improvement I left. There would be other days. Back to the hostel, had my password reseted, so I started signing in to classes. Got all of them with no problem (not that I expected any, but with my luck, who knows?), and started looking for the German language course. After much searching I was able to determine two things. One, there were no classes on Friday. Not a single one. Two, I wouldn't be having German language classes, unless I borrowed a Time-Turner from Hermione. There's no way I could fit them in my schedule... Damn. Not even if I went to the next level. So no German. That was bad. And then my iPad's battery runned out, so it was time to get back.

Back to Mainburg, some show watching, dinner, talking with the people back home, and bed time, as I had woken up early, I was tired. But happy. No German, but that was a bonus. All the necessary classes were there. Just hoped that they were all in English, as promised.

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