domingo, 16 de outubro de 2011

Day 27 - Party

So this day was Philip's birthday, so we had planned a surprise party for dinner, and later join the Erasmus party. I did pretty much nothing the whole day, but I overcame another obstacle! I managed (with some help from my mom) to do my laundry. I chose the right program, I used the right product, the right temperature, and by the end of the wash, the clothes appeared clean, and most importantly, white was still white, black was still black, and everything in between was also ok. So good job.

So by 7 PM was time to start the party, so we headed downstairs for some beers, and to buy the pasta for dinner. It was going to be spaghetti bolognese, did by an Italian guy, so it had promise. So while he cooked, we just stood in the kitchen, talking and drinking our beer. When the food was done, the first obstacle to overcome was the lack of space. We needed to fit 9 people inside our kitchen. Well, we managed to do so, but it involved some furniture rearrangements, and everyone getting a chair from their room. Now we needed to get at least a fork to everyone, but with the 2 I got from home, it made exactly 9. Nice. The food was good, but it lacked meat, in my opinion. It just had ham...But no worries. Everyone laughed when Yussuf put some yoghurt in the pasta, and Luca sent out an extremely outraged explanation, "THIS IS NOT KEBAB!". It was funny. The table was very multicultural: 2 Spanish girls and the rest were all guys, 1 Italian, 2 Germans, 1 Turkish, 1 Finish, 1 French, 1 Portuguese. So the talk was flowing in several languages. It was fun.

Then it was time to go to the club. This really wasn't my scene but well, I decided to try, not to be an anti-social. I met Manuel near the club, and met some other guys, so we were almost 20 people going in to the club, at 10 PM. Well, if I that was not my scene, Manuel was a fish out of water. He just stood there, doing nothing...He just clung to a wall. Well, we the place was so crowded we lost everyone in the crowd, lost them again, danced a bit (well, I moved...). But at around 1 I had had enough, and some people had to work the next morning, so I just went home with them. I had more fun in the dinner. Clubs are just not my scene.

So back home, I wasn't sleepy, so I watched some shows before going to bed. All in all, a fun game.

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