quinta-feira, 29 de setembro de 2011

Day 12 - A new hope?

It was Wednesday and I had another place to see. Hooray I guess. So got on the bus, and during the 1 hour trip, I was doing some math, and realized that it was only needed 6 trips without ticket in the train to cover the penalty of being found with no ticket. Meaning that in 6 trips I would spend more than the fine....So I was seriously considering not buying a ticket on the next 6 trips. Another thing, I had never seen anyone checking tickets anyway.
But when I got to the train station, I realized I could get a ticked for the day for 10 euros ( a single ticket costs 7.5), and this allowed me to go in the subway to, so my resolve to go without a ticked vanished. And I'm glad it did, because in that trip, I was asked for a ticket. Lucky hein?

So now in Munich, I needed to find the apartment. Went online, and realized they didn't have the door number, on the message I got! Just the street...well I had time, so I went through all the doorbells, searching for the name I had been given. I found the right one just in time. It was 3 o'clock sharp when I rang the bell, exactly the time we had an appointment.

A quick look around the room and the apartment told me it was good for me ( I am not really picky right now), so I started to make the nice conversation, telling them how I loved the place etc....And I asked if there were many people interessed in the room. Only 4 they told me. This sure raised my hopes. Well , they said they would chose someone by next Friday, so back to hoping.

Now I was in Munich with nothing to do, just went back to the hostel and answered a couple more ads, before getting back to Mainburg. Bought another book at the main station, as I had already read the one bought on Sunday, and back to Mainburg I was. This time, the train was late, so I had to run for the bus, but no problem, got there just in time. That was great, because this are hourly buses, and at 7 PM I didn't feel like waiting for another hour....

Reached home on foot again ( didn't want to trouble anyone) and when I entered, Emi asked me if I was hungry. I managed to say yes, but that I would cook for myself as well. So I made my first meal in Germany. Tomato omelet, not that hard I know, but it was the simpler I could go. Cleaned everything and went to my room. More ads were answered, read some Manga and talked to the folks back at home. It was nice knowing that this blog was actually being read! So bed time, and I couldn't help but hope. Maybe this one was the one?

3 comentários:

  1. O Miguel não quer que eu faça um comentário senão tu ficas farto de nós...
    Mas mãe é mãe e gosta de dar miminhos....
    (que lamechas!...)

  2. Não só está a ser lido como não passa um dia sem que todos perguntem: "então e o zé, já escreveu mais?" :P
