sexta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2011

Day 13 - The search must go on!

So I was at Mainburg, and there was nothing else to do except looking for a place, watching some shows, walking the dogs, etc. The kids had no homework, so no help was needed there. And that's pretty much what I did the whole day. On a happier note, lunch was Cordon Bleu, one of the rare lunches I knew what I was eating.
In the evening, Herman showed up in my room, and I could understand that he needed my help (for what I didn't knew), and that we would be riding a car. So I got up and followed him. At the garden, he needed my help to take some measurements (he took the fences size), and we drove off, to a place that sells lumber. Why he needed my help was something I had yet to figure. Yes I had helped with with the tape, but that just took 1 minute. I guessed he would need help carrying some of the wood, but we had gone in a small car, and for what I knew, they sell this in blocks of 3 or more meters. Anyway I tagged along. At the first shop, he asked for the prices and I could tell he found them expensive. So on to the second shop. Here, he showed me a weird screw, and we tried to find an equal. No luck. Then he tried to explain what he wanted, and what I understood was that he needed to make a wooden door. So I spent 5 or 10 minutes looking at hinges, trying to be helpful. I sure wasn't though. Guess I hadn't understood well what he wanted. In that same shop we found the lumber he needed, only this one was too small. It was 3 cm smaller than what he wanted I guess, but he took it anyway.
Back at home I was proven right. It was small. And there I was looking dumb, while he rummaged through his garage, looking for who knows what. I was wondering if he still needed my help, but then he produced a piece of wood, from the first shop (guess he must have had a surplus the last time) and this was just the right size. Well, now it was up to him, cheaper and smaller or expensive and the right size. I understood my help was needed no more, if it ever was anyway.
With all this, it was already 7 PM, dinner time. I had cordon bleu again, while they ate bread with cheese, butter ( and I thought I used too much butter!), and some other stuff I didn't recognize.
Well, back to my room, more searching led to an appointment for the next day, not bad. And it was Skype time. Talked with some of the people back home, but then at midnight the Internet went off (or should I say the router stopped working), so it was bedtime. Did I dared to hope that the next day would be the lady of my search? Remember I had a pending answer for Friday. But I wasn't hopeful. Too many 'no' had seen to that.

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