domingo, 18 de setembro de 2011

Day 2 - What to do now?

So I woke up, in a couch, next to a complete stranger. Funny situation, huh? Then my brain kicked in and I realised where I was. This stranger was Doug, Thomas friend. And more to the point, he was snoring. That's what woke me up.

It was only then, with everyone sleeping, that I had my first real look at the flat, and realised what was coming to me. This was what they call here a Studio Apartment, which means that the living room is the sleeping room. You enter the apartment,and as you take your first step, if you look to the left, you find a sink. To the right, the kitchen cupboards and oven. There's a microwave too, and some cooking dishes. As you step forward, you notice a door to the left. That's the bathroom. It isn't small, has a shower, a sink and a toilet. Normal stuff, no news here. A few more steps and you are in the living/sleeping room. This has Thomas and Doris' bed, in which they were both asleep, a table with the computer, and my couch, in which doug was still snoring. The only window is above "our" sofa. A shelf, with the radio on, a lamp and that's it. And i thought it was perfect. And I just hoped i could fine one just like this for me.

I stayed in bed, dozing for a while, until Doris got up, then Thomas and finally Doug, Normal morning routine ensued.

In the midst of this confusion, i found myself invited (and glad to accept) for breakfast with Thomas and Doug (Doris had left for her parents place), and a couple of their friends. So we went to meet them. In the way there i learned that each had spent around 100 euros the night before at the Oktoberfest. i must admit this scared me a bit, because i really wanted to go there, but there's no way I can spend all that cash in one night...

As we reached the breakfast spot, a classic Britain looking house,Victorian house it was called. I stared apprehensively for a while, wondering how much this was going to cost me, but from the guys that had spent 100 euros last night, i really should had seen this coming.

But there I was, and I wasn't going to back out. Chose to try Eggs Benedict, as I hadn't eaten before, and I must say i loved them. Too bad that the eggs and a coffee costed me 15 euros...That's a pretty expensive breakfast.

For the rest of the day there really ins't much to tell. We went back home, I went on the pc looking for a place, received 4 more scam attempts, while Doug and Thomas left for the Oktoberfest. By dinner time I was sad. None had replied me, the only one i called was already taken. So yeah, moral was pretty low.

I went out to dinner alone, and decide to eat a slice of pizza near the hostel i stayed last month. Why? Because I had no keys to come back home, so I needed a place with internet. I ended up eating a burger, because the pizza stand was closed (damn Sundays!), and just stayed at the hostel's lobby, answering some more ads...

At around 10 I decided to call Doris, to see if she was home, but in a second thought, I preferred to go there and just hope she was, because the call would be so expensive....and I had time.

Arrived home and, to my surprise, Thomas opened the door. Guess he was tired of partying, or his friends had left with some girls. And it seemed that Doris was going to stay at her parent's, so it was just us 3 for the night. (Doug was still out partying though)

Got on the pc, did my thing, talked to some people back home...I was starting to really feel homesick now. So with nothing to do, and much to tell, the idea of this blog sprang to mind. And there I was, writing it, wondering if someone will read it, but also realising that this is also for me. I realised then the size of the post i was making, and the size of the one before. I was sure, once I started with my classes, that I wouldn't be able to write like that everyday, but who knows? One day at a time my friends

1 comentário:

  1. Hey ze, keep positive ;) i'll be refreshing the blog in hope to see some good news :) stay strong and have fun:D

