domingo, 25 de setembro de 2011

Day 8 - Two more places

I woke up at Doris' and the entire morning was dedicated to flat hunting. I had a place to see between 1 and 3, but I still felt the need to search for more. And so I did, for 2 or 3 hours. Doris called for me some of the landlords, but got he usual response. Either 6 months was not enough, or the room was already gone. All in all, more of the same bad news.

At around 12 Doris offered to cook eggs and bacon for everyone, which everyone accepted, and I must say, they were good. The only problem was that when I finished them, it was already 1:30, so I needed to hurry.

10 minutes with the bus followed by 5 more with the subway got me to the right station. Then 3 minutes walking got me to the house. During this time I was again wondering about the language, decided to try both English and Spanish. When I started the conversation, to my relief, the landlord spoke English. Furthermore, when I said I was from Portugal, he said, Hey, my wife is Portuguese! And started talking Portuguese. Well if this didn't get me points and dint know what did. So I looked around the apartment, liked it, and started to fill an application form. Finished it, delivered, and as the question hadn't been popped yet, I felt obliged to do so....And did the look on His face changed when I said I was only renting for 6 months....Gave me my application back, said he wouldn't even considered it. I must admit, this got me down. A lot. That, and the number of people that just kept showing at the apartment...I must have seen more than 50 delivered application forms. How the he'll was I going to find a place?

I walked back home, not caring that I didn't actually knew the way, just had an idea of the direction. Yes, I felt bad.

Eventually I reached home, got on the PC, started searching again. My mood only got worse when Doris asked me to go back to her parent's place, as she was tired of having people staying over. Though she said that it was also painful for her, this hurt. But then a funny ad appeared, for a flat share, saying that Erasmus students are welcome! I immediately answered it, and half an hour later I was talking to a girl, who said they were tired of formal interviews, and asked if I wanted to drop by, maybe play a little Starcraft, jam with the guitar. Not a formal interview, just hanging around. I decided to go, it was more time I would be out of that apartment....

Got something to eat and I went there, and I got somewhat lost....First, took the first train that appeared, as I thought that any would do. Eventually, when I realized where I was, I also realized all the trains would do, except that one. Ok, time to head back. Then when I finally reached the right station, I got disoriented, and started heading in the wrong direction....when I saw nothing I recognized, decided it was better to just go back to the station. To add insult to injury, my phone battery was almost out, so I couldn't rely on google maps, and didn't even want to call anyone. Back at the station, took the right direction this time, but then a wrong turn led me to a wrong street. I was getting tired of being lost, it was getting dark, and most of all, I was mad at google maps! They had the whole zone wrong. So I called Doris and asked her to see on the map where I should've been heading. Finally, I found out the right door...

As I entered the apartment, I felt I was going back in time. This looked like the 80's again. A guy with a huge beard, smoking a cigar greeted me, and led me into the place. It was a mess, but in a good way. Not dirty, just messy. Got to the kitchen, to see a close match of Starcraft 1. I hadn't played that game for 5 years now....but I could see they were good. So I sat down, talked a bit, mostly tried to listen to their conversation. And after the Starcraft match they started to make dinner. My hippie impression just got bigger, when they all shared a meal, and a beer glass. To my huge amazement, I was invited to have dinner with them. More precisely, they said they were counting on me for dinner. This was against everything I had learned of German culture. Though I had already eaten, I was glad to accept.
After dinner appeared a girl, all dressed up, to see the place. I must say I hated her. Tried not to, but she was competition. She was very pretty , her German was better than mine, also an Erasmus student, I hated her. Obviously I did nothing, and I knew this hate was irrational and unfair, but nevertheless, I couldn't help but think that a girl so dressed up wouldn't like a place like that. But anyway, was happy when she left.
So I spent there 3 hours, lost a Starcraft game (got owned, to be accurate), talked, drak a bit. Really liked those guys. But i saw the list of candidates. They were more than 30, though I must add I was glad that most of them were crossed out.

Got back home to find out that Doris and Thomas were already asleep (it was only midnight), so I did my best to get to bed without disturbing them.
As I fell asleep, I hoped with all my heart those guys would pick me.

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