terça-feira, 20 de setembro de 2011

Day 4 - The first move

I woke up at noon, with a slight headache, and a bruise on my right hand, because by the beer mugs. 1 liter of beer in those mugs sure is heavy! More flat hunting followed, but the results were the same....and when Doris came home, I found myself facing a strange proposal.

Her parents had said that I could move in with them, while I was trying to find a place. To be accurate ,I could move to the old Doris room. The catch? It's not in Munich, and neither parent speaks English. As I said before, Doris home isn't built for 4 persons. There's just no space. So I accepted this proposal, knowing that it would be hard for them if I insisted to stay. I had a feeling they were glad I accepted.

So I found myself at the central station, with a ticket to the next train to Fresing. But first i needed lunch, as it was already 4 in the afternoon. I got some pizza this time. Now i had a problem to solve.Once I got to Fresing, I had 8 minutes to find the right bus, and to find tickets for said bus. This was a problem that occupied my mind for the entire 25 minutes of the train ride. This and the conversation guide I bought at the station, anticipating many difficulties in my near future. Once there, I decided to ask the bus driver where to get the tickets, hoping it was not far. To my luck, they were sold by the driver himself. Problem solved, now I just needed to wait 45 minutes to get to my final destination. Yeah, 45 minutes. Inside a packed bus, with my huge backpack.

I finally arrived at my stop, left the bus, and just sat there, hoping that someone would come talk to me. This was the worst part. But eventually Doris' mom showed up and took me to their home. As I anticipated, conversation was hard, but we got along.

Once we arrived at the house, a typical, big suburban house, I was led inside to find 2 huge dogs waiting for me. Once I got past them, I was in the hall. Upstairs where the rooms, in front of me was the kitchen. To my right was a work room, and a bit further ahead, a huge living room. Out of nowhere came Doris' dad, who greeted me in German, and I just tried to thank him for having me. Eventually I managed to say I was thirsty, and asked for water. What did I get? Sparkling water! Damn. And I had no heart to refuse...

So I just came to my new room, and started the search again. Some time later, Doris' smaller sister comes in, asking if I'm hungry. As it was 7 o'clock, and I had lunch at 4, I had none. Also, I didn't assume they were going to dinner....it was only when Doris' mom came into my room, with a plate of sandwiches, that I realized I had been very rude. I hadn't gotten down to dine with them....Damn.

Well I just continued my search until 10, by that time there were no more new ads...So I just watched some Glee. Some time later on, Doris' father came in, and we had, with the help of google translate, a conversation. I started to realize how difficult this was going to be, but well, I chose to see this as an excellent learning opportunity.

Some more glee, and I was done for the day. The plan was to wake up early the next day, as not to give a bad image. I was apprehensive, but hopefu.

4 comentários:

  1. Hi,

    Do you still know me? :P

    As usual, we are pretending to assist a theoretical class @ FEUP :)

    About the houses, have you tried searching on foot in the area around the faculty? It may be an alternative, as there may be people who don't put their ads online.
    If this doesn't work, there may be some real estate agencies with more experience in hunting down houses.

    Apart from that, hope you are doing well despite all the stepbacks and really enjoyed your video on Oktoberfest that's been posted on Facebook :)

    Everyone says hi and sends a big hug :D

  2. Hey Zé!!

    Be positive my friend ;D It will all be solved =D as Hélder said try to do some search walking by the nearby area.

    Apart from that, that 1l beer can't be bether than Super Bock, it just can't :P ahahah

    Facebook videos of you wasted is always good fun. Especially during a class where we are supposed to make no noise ;D

    Keep posting, because we ALL are reading it ;D it's good to hear from you =)

    Finally, find a girl at Oktoberfest who speaks English, take her to Doris' parents house and the translating service is done. xD AHAHHAHA and who knows your sleeping problems too :P

    Bye my friend. ;D

  3. Hi guys.

    Thanks for the suggestions, but as for walking round college, I did that, no luck.

    As for a real estate agencies, they all have a "finder's fee". It is usually something like 3 months' rent...so if I find a place through them, and the rent for that place was 500 euros, I'd have to pay the agent 1500 euros just for making the deal. Then there would be the standard deposit , and some months in advance for the landlord....
    So all in all I save around 1200+ euros by not going to a real estate...

    As for your other suggestions, well I will consider them, but really? Bring a complete stranger to an almost complete strangers house. Nice xD

    All in all, goof to hear from you guys

  4. Hi,

    What about the faculty? Don't they have their students association? Maybe they can help you with that.
