quinta-feira, 22 de setembro de 2011

Day 5 - Salsa!

I wanted to wake up early that morning, to give the right impression, and so I did. 9 o'clock and I got up. Too bad all of the children had school, so they got up at 6, thus rendering my effort to create a good impression rather useless...
Anyway, after the normal morning routine, I got down for breakfast, and managed to eat a huge slice of sweet bread (this isn't as good as it sounds), and some milk. All throughout breakfast, I tried to maintain a conversation with Emi, Doris' mother. I was rather please with the amount of sentences I could produce, but I still felt awkward. I was still very far from a true conversation. During this conversation, Emi asked if I had any laundry, which I thankfully delivered, as it was already half my clothes.

The rest of the morning was dedicated to flat hunting, reading, and studying German. At some point I started to get hungry, and I knew we were waiting for the kids to come home so we could have lunch. Nevertheless, it was very awkward when 2 o'clock came and passed, with me knowing that the kids were home, hoping they would call me for lunch (still remembering that I hadn't come down for the previous dinner), but not wanting to come down and ask, afraid of being rude. So I waited, hungry.

Shortly after 2:30, to my relief, one of the kids came and asked me down to lunch...Uff I was safe. So we ate lunch, they talked a lot, I just listened, not able to understand half of what was going on.

Shortly after lunch, i got a call. Wondering who might it be, i picked up, and it was Brigit, one of the elder daughters (who thankfully speaks a very acceptable English), asking if I wanted to go out that night, she was meeting some friends. I said yes, why not? But then I remembered that at some point yesterday someone asked me if I liked Salsa, and I said yes. So when Birgit says it's going to be 8 euros because it was kind of a lesson, I realized what I had done.

Well I'd already said I was going, and didn't want to take back my word, so I prepared myself for an hour of salsa lessons, worst of all, without understanding the teacher. So we arrived at the bar, and there was a lesson going on. I got really scared, those guys looked pros to me, and as I suspected, nothing that came out of the teacher mouth was understandable. I panicked. To make things worse, Birgit was only meeting one friend, her partner, leaving me to dance with a complete stranger, whom I wouldn't understand. I considered leaving, I considered just staying in the bar, and I sincerely don't know what made me, but when they started the warm up, I got up and warmed up as well. When they paired up I saw a lot of people raising their arms, I did the same, hoping he had asked who didn't had a partner. I was right, and I was partnered with a lady, a bit shorter than me, probably in her thirties.

I won't go into much details of the class, I just repeated what I saw, but I must say that by the end of the hour I could do what passed for a reasonable salsa move. I was proud. And I had managed to talk enough with my partner! So after the lesson ended, Birgit said she wanted to practice more, so we danced for almost half an hour more. It was fun, I must admit.

On the way back home, I needed to eat something. As I had already realized, Germans don't do dinner like we do. They have sandwiches for dinner, or some light soup. So Birgit said she was fine, she had ate dinner, as usual, at 6. Me, used to a nice dinner, was starving, so we went to a McDrive and got me a Big Mac, just the burger.

On the way home, several funny things happened, the first of them being Birgit stoping at a red light, and then started going again before it was green. Yeah, I was scared, especially when I saw the other cars coming our way, but I laughed when she realized what she had done, and i made the obvious commentary about women driving. She was so embarrassed! We had a nice talk on the way back (it took 40 minutes), and I found out she is a Ocupational Therapist. I was amused to find out that this is a mix between a psychologist and a fisiotherapist.
Eventually we got home, and we said goodbye. It was around 10, but everyone was already getting ready to go to bed. I had a conversation with Herman, the dad, and from what I understood, he had an old car he said I could use. I hoped I understood well, because Friday I needed to go to Munich, and a car would help.
So I went to my room, and I found out that there was no Internet, so I just went to bed, and read. I was reviewing my day, and amazed at how much fun I had at the class, and the talks. I had a really nice afternoon, but still, no house for me. Well, I just had to keep on trying.

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