domingo, 25 de setembro de 2011

Day 7 - Back to Munich

On the morning of day 7 I was glad I was going to Munich. The day before had been such a bore, with nothing to do the entire day. The only good remark was the food. Some cheese stuff, with an unpronounceable name, that I ate both for lunch and dinner. It was awesome.

Soon after breakfast came the first surprise. I was sure I was going by car to Munich, or at least to Freising, and then take the train, but once again, there was a failure in the communication. Nothing I hadn't expected, so when asked at what time should we leave for the bus, i was only mildly surprised.

Back to Munich, with an apartment to see! Not wanting to get my hopes up, I went there, not daring to speculate. I was nervous once again. What if the owner didn't speak English? I was sure my German wasn't good enough, but I wasn't going to let that be a problem. So I go to the front door, rang at "Alcazar Ortiz", and when she answered, a sudden inspiration came to mind. "Sprechen sie Englisch, oder Spanisch vielleicht?" and that's how I got the whole interview in spanish, giving me (I hoped) some extra points. When I saw the place, and how perfect it was for me, I was so excited. But then I was asked the dreaded question. For how long will you be renting the room? 6 months I answered, and bracing myself for what I knew was coming. "ah, what a pity, that is a huge handicap. Well, I guess we will see then. We will tell you on Sunday". Well, I guess that was that. I left.

Now I had a problem. Doris and Thomas were at the Oktoberfest ,and it was only 3 PM. I couldn't waste the entire afternoon, so I just got back to the hostel I stayed in august, and leeched the internet there. More flat hunting...hooray.
At 8, I decided to pay 3euros to watch the football match between Porto and Benfica. Why? Because the safari on my iPad has no native flash support....So i spent 3 euros for 90 minutes of Computer time. Not bad, but I had to get the timing right.

After the match I decided to call Doris, see where they were. They were heading for a bar, and I decided to meet them. I was sick and tired of that lobby anyway...

At this bar, I managed to show off my new salsa moves, and had some fun. Best of all? Beer "only" costed 4 euros. On the way back home, we stopped at MacDonalds for some nuggets, and got home safely. Went to bed, hoping I would get the apartment. Just hoping. One must be optimistic right?

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